DMAA Portfolios
This project has been a constant on going project in the last two years at Delugan Meissl Associated Architects office.
It was required to design a publication, that could exemplify the best projects from DMAA, and give the volume to clients, or to present it in meetings and lectures. Initially the publication started with the volume “Delugan Meissl Associated Architects- Selected Work”, with a sum of the best projects built by DMAA, but faster it developed to further volumes, for different categories, such as: “Culture & Mixed Use”; “Housing”, “Interior Design” and “Office & Shopping”. It was developed from the first brochure, as a design report, to a complete volume, where the printing and binding were important keys as decision makers for its production process. The first set of volumes were in A3 size, and sought to be as light as a newspaper. However, it couldn’t be printed and binded in the office, which represented an obstacle. Afterwards, it developed to the A4 size, which was more hand-able and easy to carry around. This shift, allowed us to produce the whole volume in DMAA office, which represented a big advantage and turn this volumes, not a kind of a closed and ready book, but more like a newspaper, or magazine which are periodically updated and renewed. |